Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 15 post op

Yay, 2 weeks down, only 6 or so more to go without walking. Ugh! I wanted to start exercising this week but it has been so hot an humid that I haven't been in my own apartment for the entire week. Luckily our nasty weather only lasts for about 2 weeks; I will be home soon. I have only done some straight leg lifts on a daily basis. I want to do more.

This week I have been out of my mind with my splint and my sutures. I gave my primary doc a call to see if i could get my splint rewrapped as it slides all around during the day and night but my doc said that he didn't want to mess with anything as I see the surgeon on
Friday (tomorrow morning).

My pain level as been tolerable with ibuprofen, I do get some occasional aching in my heel or a sharp stabbing pain at the top of my incision. The most I can do is suck it up until it goes away as there is no bleeding through, no fever and my toes are of normal color. I find that even while my foot is elevated all night, I wake up with tightness in my splint (the lateral side is curved in and it digs into my incision line). There is so much wiggle room in my splint but in the mornings I cannot slide the splint until I sit up and move a bit.

Other than that I did drive this week. I had to go to my apartment and pick a few things up (as much as I could safely use crutches with a backpack). It is funny to drive my husband's vehicle as it is an automatic and my own is a manual. I rarely drive anything but my own jeep and everytime I come to a stop in his, I have a moment where I think I have forgotten to shift into neutral.

Tomorrow I head to Duluth for my sutures to be checked and for the doc to possibly put a cast on my leg. I hope to grab a pic or two.

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