Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 61 post op ....the ugly details

I left the clinic without the cheese grin on my face. I'm still happy, but now I have to concentrate on how to walk normally with crutches. I know the first rule of walking with an injury is to slow down and DON'T LIMP. In order to get my muscles to grow back and achieve a normal walking gate, I need to do just that...slow down and not limp. This is was so much quicker to just use the crutches and one leg.

The first thing I did when I got home was take a bath with both feet in the water. I had grabbed a new razor, a jar of exfoliating scrub (sugar and oil mixture) and a really rough cloth before getting into the tub. I had to soak this skin and then scrub like mad.

My hair was just over a half inch in length on my lower leg...on the way to Xray I could feel it moving from the little bit of breeze I was creating down the hallways. I tried to ignore it but even the doc said, "That's so haute." I looked at him and said he was a very sick man and he just chuckled and said, "You are the third woman to come in today for cast removal, I have to give every one a hard time about their leg hair." Ugh..I just wanted to get rid of it.

I scrubbed off as much dead skin from me lower leg and foot as possible and peeled the rest of the dried blood and old scabs from my incision as possible. I didn't pull anything that gave me resistance as I was sure it would eventually just fall off later.

All the itching in my cast was coming from the slew of ingrown hairs I had along the outside of my leg. These little suckers were annoying and the sugar scrub was going to have to be used more than a couple times to get all those hairs out from under my skin.

I am scared to death to walk without my crutches. Even though he said I can stand on it barefoot, I just can't. I am nervous and afraid that I will fall and ruin the work that was done. I hope to get over this feeling quickly. It's annoying to say the least. I know I want to walk and I know that I want to play ball next year, but right now at this moment I am so afraid to mess this up.

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